Tips to Extend the life of your AC

Jul 23, 2021 | Uncategorized

When owning a home one the most important investments is your AC unit. To help you save money and keep your current system as long as possible you must keep your equipment properly maintained. Planning ahead to keep your equipment running properly will ensure energy efficiency, a comfortable home, and fewer chances of inevitable breakdowns. To make the difference in your AC’s lifespan, here are a few tips and tricks from our NATE-certified technicians at LRF Maintenance, Heating & Cooling to help you extend the life of your AC.

Modern Thermostat

Investing in a modern thermostat is one of the simplest ways to extend the life expectancy of your AC. To reduce overworking your AC try increasing the temperature in your home while you’re away. By investing in a modern thermostat, you could potentially save money each month for your home as most modern thermostats are now programmable.

Clean Air Filters

For your AC to run the most efficiently, you must keep a close eye on your system’s air filters. In a short period of time dirty air filters can cause straining on your AC as debris and dust rapidly build up. Air filters should be changed at least every 3 months; however, it is best to check your filters monthly. Keep in mind, owning pets, burning candles, or smoking in your home can cause air filters to become dirtier much quicker.

Routine maintenance

Another essential tip to keeping your AC living its longest life is to have routine maintenance performed. Scheduling a routine maintenance check on a  yearly basis is an excellent way to make sure your system is running properly. If anything is wrong, a technician will be able to spot the problem and address it at the time of the service call. Making these maintenance calls can ultimately help you save on energy costs and ensure a long life for your AC unit.

Need a service call? Give us a call at LRF Maintenance, Heating & Cooling today at (614) 837-4822, or schedule an appointment now by clicking here!